What is this thing?

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This is a blog where I review books that I bought at the dollar store.

Q: A blog? Is this like 1999?

A: There’s a newsletter as well. Also, vinyl made a comeback so why not blogs. Beside what do you expect from a guy who buys his books only after they’ve been remaindered. On average it means the books reviewed here are probably three to five years old.

Q: Wait, what does remaindered mean?

A: Due to the economics of book publishing, there are almost always copies of a book that don’t end up selling. To get rid of those extra copies, the publishers will remainder them: sell them very cheaply after putting a bit of sharpie on them so that it’s harder for people to try to return them to bookstores at full price.

Q: So, it sounds like having a book remaindered isn’t every author’s dream?

A: Well, I’m sure they aren’t overly thrilled by it, but given that it probably happens to nearly every author at some point, well, maybe they see it as a rite of passage? I don’t know, I’m just a guy with a blog.

Q: About that, do you have any credentials or reason anyone would be interested in reading what you think about remaindered books?

A: No, other than I’ve read a lot? I mean, I can give you a list of authors that I dig if that would help.

Q: No one wants that.

A: Are you sure? Because I got to tell you that I groove out on Steven Brust, Diane Setterfield, Scott Morse, Andi Watson, Robin Sloan, Jamie S. Rich, Jasper Fforde, Helen Simonson…

Q: Great listen, let’s just go here for that sort of thing. So what it comes down to is that you’re a guy who wrote some reviews of dollar store books and we should read them, so what?

A: Well, yes, read the reviews and then read the books if they interest you, but one of the my larger points is to point out that there are amazing books available to own for next to nothing and that your risk to reward on taking a chance on some of these books is highly in your favor. I mean, worse case scenario and you hate a book from the dollar store, you can pass it along to an Aunt or a cousin who you think might enjoy it.

Q: My aunt is a Lesbian climate activist with a passion for gin and old furniture you’re telling me that there’s a dollar store book for her?

A: Sure, Sunlight Pilgrims. It’s one my favorites that I’ve read since starting this project.

Q: That’s no fair, you’re writing both the Qs and the As here.

A: I am, that means I can also tell you that I do some affiliate linking. For example, if you’d like to support me and buy stuff from Better World Books. There are also links to buy most of the books I review which will go to other book selling sites.

Q: What do I do if I have other questions?

A: Send questions via email to dollarstorebookreviews@gmail.com.