You & Me & why we are in love

You & Me & why we are in love

Aurelia Alcais

You & Me & why we are in love is like a box of chocolates. Yup, I’m cribbing from Forest Gump. But it’s okay because I have no shame. It’s the perfect metaphor for Aurelia Alcais’s book which presents page sized portraits (both drawings and short prose vignettes) of people with an explanation of where they are in love.

It’s a book you can open to any page, read it, and smile. Although that’s where the box of chocolates metaphor fails: in chocolate hunting you can end up with the weird jelly one or the caramel that gives the weird after taste. Some of the bits in the book might have not been like a dark chocolate peanut butter cup, but none of them were anything near as disappointing as the waxy, white chocolate-covered raisins that you find sitting alone in the box uneaten.

Alcais’s pictures are packed with fun details: radishes on someone’s shirt, one guy has a cape with eyes drawn on it, or detailed textures all over. The stories give you a glimpse of the people in the drawings lives people who they loved before, who they’d left recently or who they are hoping to find in the future. Her subjects with a great variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types of love represented wearing their fashionable and character revealing clothing.

Below a few examples. They will provide you with a good idea if this book is your thing or not. There’s about forty or so vignettes about love crammed into this book.

Even if you don’t groove out on this particular box of chocolates, You & Me & why we are in Love a great book to celebrate your own love, perhaps with a picture of your own lover with a vignette of how you love each other or as a pick me up for someone who has found themselves needing to be reminded that love is available some where in the big box of chocolates that is the world. |